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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Do you use our forums regularly?
Yes, I read them all the time
Yes, I post on them all the time
If you don't read or post on our forums, is there anything we can do which would encourage you to?
* Do you make use of ACWA (the mission runner stats and infographics)?
* Do you use SeAT?
If you don't use SeAT, why? (or what could we do to encourage you to?)
* What do you think about the number of sites/apps we provide?
Too many
Just right
Not enough
* If we required a full API key to be in SeAT to access any of our IT services would that be ok?
(Only select directors and yourself can access the information)
* If we created an app for your phone (Android/iOS/Windows), where we could send pings (like jabber pings), and you could browse the forums, kills, and whatever), would you be interested in this?
(It would cost the corp about £10 a month (because fuck Apple))
No, only because of the real life cost
* Would you be interested in helping with designing/programming the new web app(s)?
Yes, my name is...
Do you have any other comments/feedback at all regarding our IT services? Or do you have any ideas for us?