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Do you work professionally in the field of web application development?
How long have you been involved in web application development
0 - 1 Years
1 - 3 Years
3 - 5 Years
5+ Years
Prior to attending the W3C Mobile Web Best Practice course, how familiar were you with the best practices?
I had not heard of them before
I knew they existed, but no specific details
I was familiar with them, but unsure of how to implement them
I was quite familiar with them, I used them regularly in my projects
How would you rate the following:
Ineffective Not very effective Adequate Quite effective Very effective
Effectiveness of Best Practices in ensuring quality apps/sites
How would you assess the following:
Very Difficult Quite Difficult Average Quite Easy Very Easy
How easy is it for developers to implement all of the best practices
Do you use any automated software/websites to ensure your sites/apps conform to best practices?
In terms of total development time, what percentage do you spend on testing?
0 - 10%
11 - 20%
21 - 30%
31 - 40%
41 - 50%
51% +
Do you plan to implement the Mobile Web Best Practices in your future projects?
Yes, all of them
Yes, most of them where I can
Maybe some of them
None of them
If you use any other quality standards/practices in developing web site/applications please give details here:
Do you feel that an automated software tool to check compliance with best practices would be useful to you as a developer?
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